- Northern cities with light spring rain and a pleasant humidity are about 22°-24°C and central cities still have a nice weather about 28°C, while during nights a cool spring breeze blows.
- Eastern sunny cities like Yazd and Kerman have a temperature about 32 C during day time and 28°C during nights.
- In southern cities the weather is getting quite warm to 38°-40°C and the humidity is a little high.
In most areas of Iran you can enjoy a nice weather and the nature is as beautiful as it is in April.
Light clothes and comfortable shoes are suitable for May tours of Iran and you can have a light jacket in case if you decided to join a nature tour.
Some suggestions on your May tour to Iran
- Joining nomad tours and visiting Qashqai nomads is a unique tour, particularly available in Iran. During May these nomads set up their tents in summer lands like Eqlid and Abadeh in Fars province. They are extremely nice and hospitable. You can spend 2 or 3 nights in Qashqai tents, taste their great food which is usually made with sheep’s meat, listen to their special music played with instruments called “Saaz and naqareh” and see their hand woven and colorful carpets which are well known in the whole world.
- Visiting Isfahan will take you to 400 year ago when strong Safavid emperor ruled Iran and chose Isfahan as their capital for some decades.
- “Naqsh-e-jahan” square, the most famous attraction in Isfahan, being inscribed in world heritage list of UNESCO, is an area surrounded with two beautiful mosques, bazar and a great monument named “Aaliqapu’.
- “Jolfa” is an Armenian quarter in this city which has brought a piece of European architecture to Iran during Shah-Abbas’s kingdom in Safavid emperor. Now a days walking in cobblestone alleys of Jolfa, visiting its big cathedral named “vank”, and being served with an aromatic Armenian coffee in the cafes offers any visitor a nice experience.
- These are just two of Isfahan’s attractions. You can spend days in this marvelous city and find interesting cultural and social attractions in every corner.
- Tehran, capital of Iran is known as the city of museums and monuments from Qajar era. National jewelries museum, Iran’s carpet museum, Tehran contemporary art museum and ancient Iran museum are some examples of museums available in this city.
International Zoorkhane Event is usually held in May in Iran. It is a traditional Persian sports and is registered by UNESCO.
Iran trip in May