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Iran Travel Q&A

Persian people are some of the nicest, smartest most sincere people out there


Persian people are some of the nicest, smartest most sincere people out there, but the government is strict on dressing correctly, is it really same to travel to Iran? I want to know do Americans travel there. Does anyone go to Iran on a vacation basis? Does this sound like a pleasant place to spend a vacation?


The area that includes Iran today is the cradle of civilization, and anyone who is interested in the early history of humanity will be rewarded by a visit to Iran. Visiting Iran is strongly recommended; it is not only a beautiful country with a rich history and stunning architecture, it is definitely very different from what many of Westerners have in mind.

Iranians are very welcoming and curious, especially the young people, who are very likely to approach you to ask questions. It is guaranteed that you will go back home with a totally different image of the country and its people.


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Zand Blvd, Roodaki St. , Zip code: 7135744934, Shiraz, Iran