I am seriously thinking about going to Iran for 6 months to study Farsi and I'm wondering exactly which depression medications are available in Iran. It would be far too expensive to attempt to buy the medications here in the US before leaving since no insurance company would authorise that, so I'd have to get them while in Iran. I'm specifically interested in Zoloft and Wellbutrin, or their generics. I know that Tehran has a number of psychiatric clinics and research centers at the hospitals, but I'd like to be sure that I could obtain my same medications.
You can find pfizer's Zoloft 50mg in Iran at around 1$ per one pill! This must be much more expensive than in the US. Wellbutrin 150mg. can be also found at about the same price.
You can buy them from most pharmacies in north of Tehran. You better have proscriptions with you.
Their Iranian Generics, Serteraline & Bupropion are much cheaper but not so effective.
Check the cheapest Iran tours.